29/09/20 – Business Intelligence Day (Royal Hospital For Neuro-Disability)

Jane Bache & Richard Cave from the Compass Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology Service recently requested assistance in order to provide some visual analysis for time spend trends using the data from their BEST V14 system.

For the past 2 years Soft Options have been promoting the advantages of using modern tools such as Microsoft Power BI to enhance the functionality of BEST by providing techniques to access the data in a quick and easy manner.

Many services attended our Business Intelligence Workshops either by face to face or more recently over Web Conferencing.

As standard Soft Options provide an ACD (Annual Consultancy Day) for all customers and this is a great way to use this time.

The Objective :

“How much time is Compass as a team or individually spending on patients with a particular diagnosis in a particular area. We want to understand the trends of time the team spends on patients at an individual level, area level, diagnosis level and status level (assessment, equipment prep, support etc.). From individual (month, therapist, patient, area, diagnosis, status e.g. assessment etc.), up to total service through the hierarchies of each across all six of these dimensions”

Rationale :

  • Some area teams are require more support and set-up from us than others – and could benefit from training
  • Some areas do not utilize our service enough
  • Some patients are getting a lot more / less time than others and we must aim for an equitable service. It could be due to the kind of patient/ location / diagnosis , Compass team member or combination of all.
  • We want to build our service and make it more efficient, but we do not have clarity on what we are really spending our time on. For example, If MND clients take the most time from us – in what part of our process and does this vary by area and compass team member?

Outcome :

Both Richard and Jane took a lot from the session and had a few words to say :-

“Having Dave lead on getting something working has really helped. I feel a lot more confident playing with an existing example and copying some of it than I did starting from scratch, so I think that is a really useful learning point for me. In future, I would use our consultation day around creating new data analysis presentations as I think that would be a good use of the time.

I’ve always found Soft Options really helpful and responsive to our requests, coming up with good solutions to our problems and being patient with my lack of understanding! I think the Webex sessions on Power BI have been really useful, especially when looking at your own data.”

Jane Bache – RCT Clinical Technologist

“You don’t hang around do you

These are really great – thank you!

By drilling up and down we will expose a lot of different ways people are logging their work

This is a great start point to come up with more operational questions for the team.”

Richard Cave – Advanced Specialist SLT – Now left the service – News Article Here


To learn more about using Business Intelligence tools, please email support@softoptions.co.uk and ask for more details on how your ACD time can be used to get more from your service data.