
Some of our existing customers have been kind enough to put together a few words about our products and services…

“I couldn’t have wished for better support from SoftOptions.”

Chris Devenney
Senior Clinical Technologist – Freeman Hospital

“The Wheelchair Service teams have quickly seen the benefits of the new system”

For Dorset HealthCare’s Wheelchair Service, the roll-out of v14 BEST had been a very long time coming. Throughout that time we could not have asked more of Soft Options. The team has been patient, accommodating and so helpful. Words that I’ve heard repeatedly from our staff to describe them are: “professional”, “knowledgeable”, “supportive”, “positive” and “responsive”.  Staff here are very aware that we only see the tip of the iceberg with Soft Options’ guidance and technical knowledge, and that they do so much more in the background. 


They’ve taken the time to explain difficulties to us, such as why something may not be possible at all, and they’ve explained the knock-on effects of actions or developments. Kelly’s training sessions in particular were engaging and productive, and the humour throughout those sessions certainly helped make the upgrade easier. Everyone at Soft Options has been approachable and friendly, and they completely understand the scariness of such a big move! Put simply, dealing with Soft Options has been smooth from start to finish.


During go-live itself, their on-site support was excellent, and again Mike and Vicky showed their patience in spades! They actively sought out staff who looked like they needed a bit more support, and they never stopped, from the moment they walked in to the moment they were pushed out the door! 


The Wheelchair Service teams have quickly seen the benefits of the new system (despite any usual little glitches on the way, which were rapidly dealt with). We are very happy with the system and were able to see progress and promise for the future, even within a day. It has been so satisfying to get much more out of the new system very quickly. V14 has already proved to be a timesaver, like being able to filter review pages to find workloads quickly. And that can only improve as we get used to its extensive functionality.


Soft Options are clearly very proud of what they have developed, and they should be. We are so glad that we have BEST now. Thank you to Dave and everyone at Soft Options for finally getting us over the BEST Go Live finish line, we are very grateful and are looking forward to moving forward with V14, IMF, E-Forms and BEST WEB and text messaging.

Many thanks for all your hard work on this; we are really pleased!

Following the pilot of the EMIS eReferral, the local medical council have agreed it and it will be installed into EMIS for the GP practices across Warwickshire. It has also been installed into Accumail for the GPs (Accurex is a platform for virtual appointments).

Many thanks for all your hard work on this; we are really pleased!

Bridgit Vorster-Gibbons
Principal Occupational Therapist
Stroke & Warwickshire Wheelchair Services

Click here for all feature details.

The PowerBI Training that we received from Soft Options is world class

It has allowed us to quickly get a strong beginning and Intermediate foundation for continuing education to advanced Training.

4P is our Central Information Hub that acts as a CRM and ERP and was Customized specifically for BenderCCP and Unico Mechanical.
It contains modules for Purchasing, Estimation, Time Clock and Payroll, Job Card creation, and so much more.
4P Helps us Communicate across Our Companies Seamlessly and allows for accurate Data and information
Transmission which increases our profitability.

Janus Venter
Bender CCP Estimator

Full news article here

A great group of individuals who are passionate about their work. The impact that this makes on other people’s lives cannot be underestimated.

During my time it has been great to see the organisation grow and develop, and continue to develop for the future. I can honestly say that I have really enjoyed working with a great group of individuals who are passionate about their work.

The impact that this makes on other people’s lives cannot be underestimated.

Stephen McCormack
Business Administrator
Ace Centre

Steve has now retired and it was lovely to work with him and we appreciated his parting words.

The BEST platform has allowed us to deliver better service and outcomes for our clients.

I have had the pleasure of working with Soft Options for many years, implementing new contracts and customizing & developing the BEST platform to record and report enhanced information.

The BEST platform has allowed us to deliver better service and outcomes for our clients. Dave Rolph and the team are always ready to listen and offer support and solutions when required. The knowledge, experience and passion within the team shine to deliver a product that simply is BEST.

Ian Knight - IT & Technical Director

Dave and his team understand the importance of delivering a system that enables our business to be inventive and agile, whilst still being able to provide the assurances to our stakeholders via the national reporting standards

The large project that we are currently working on with Soft Options is the transfer of all of our wheelchair service contracts, that we provide on behalf of the NHS, on to their fully functional ‘End to End’ Best system, as well as the roll out of the exciting new addition to the system called Best Web, which is a secure process of accessing data whilst our colleagues are out in our service user’s homes. A project like this naturally exerts additional pressure on our colleagues, as this is in addition to the exceptional work our teams are doing to deliver the business as usual work during a Pandemic. However, the ongoing support provided by Dave and his fabulous team at Soft Options has been exceptional and it has meant that not only are we on track to achieve our end goal, but we are also installing a system, that I am confident will enable us to continue to provide exceptional service to our colleagues and service users, during a time when digital innovation and exploring new ways of working is required. Dave and his team understand the importance of delivering a system that enables our business to be inventive and agile, whilst still being able to provide the assurances to our stakeholders via the national reporting standards

Annette Cairns - Clinical and Quality Director

We can’t thank the team enough for all their hard work, dedication and support

We can’t thank the team enough for all their hard work, dedication and support that they have provided throughout the entire process and look forward to working with them in the future.

Sarah Bradbury - Centre Manager

The commitment from the Soft Options team was unwavering, backed with fantastic support and training throughout the project, always approachable and very responsive

The Soft Options BEST System has enabled RREMS to consolidate numerous legacy patient record, equipment management and procurement systems onto one platform, with connectivity across regional centres. This brings multiple obvious efficiency improvements in workflow, process management and statistical output reporting.

Conversion and migration of the legacy data was both challenging and time consuming but the commitment from the Soft Options team was unwavering, backed with fantastic support and training throughout the project, always approachable and very responsive.

With a go live date of 1st April 2021 the system is already paying dividend and we look forward to working with them in the future

Graham Mallaby
Head of Rehabilitation Engineering & Aids for Living
Disablement Service Centre

Graham Mallaby
Disablement Service Centre

Very receptive, flexible and went the extra mile to provide support

It has been great working with Dave and his team. I found Soft options very receptive, flexible and went the extra mile to provide support, especially from a technical perspective. Covid and working priorities has brought challenges but we have worked well together to manage them.

Sabeya Ali
Digital Services Project Manager

Nottingham University Hospital

The most important aspect of the migration to BEST was partnership.

Migrating from our legacy patient record and equipment management system to BEST felt like it was going to be a very challenging task.  Our goals were to move to BEST without affecting patient support, to ensure all historical data was migrated safely and successfully, and ensure the team understood the new system and comfortable using it operationally from day one.


Full News article here

Richard Cave
Compass Electronic Assistive Technology team

“had an invaluable support partner in ensuring our system provided the platform on which to build our Customer Service and operational wheelchair activities in Northern Ireland”

We implemented BEST originally in 2011 and in the period since we have always had an invaluable support partner in ensuring our system provided the platform on which to build our Customer Service and operational wheelchair activities in Northern Ireland. In June 2020 we implemented version 14 remotely due to the current Covid-19 restrictions. The Test System which was provided allowed us fully test the new system and data integrity prior to going live. The remote support during this testing and development phase from Soft Options, especially Mike was excellent, who was always on hand to assist and provide the answers. The result was a “seamless” go live during which Soft Options Staff were always available to complete any changes and additional training that was required.
All your help and advice is much appreciated.

Ivan Forsythe (Regional Wheelchair Manager)

Ivan Forsythe

“…one of the pillars that upholds what we try to provide in terms of patient care and service delivery”

We have been fortunate enough to have been using BEST since 2005. During these years as our knowledge and use of BEST has increased, we have been assisted and encouraged by Dave and his colleagues at Soft Options.

BEST, as it has been for a number of years, is one of the pillars that upholds what we try to provide in terms of patient care and service delivery.

In addition to using BEST as our day to day clinical database, we have utilised its capabilities in such areas as: finance forecasting model, capacity and complexity, as well as other data extracts required to support information requests from Commissioners over the years.

We eagerly look forward to our next BEST upgrade and the ongoing support of Soft Options.

Jok Morrice - Service Lead / Rehabilitation Engineer
Bromley Wheelchair Service

Soft Options worked tirelessly during the pandemic to ensure delivery was still achieved

Once again Dave and the team at Soft Options have pulled out all the stops to ensure our new integrated wheelchair services went live on time. Soft Options worked tirelessly during the pandemic to ensure delivery was still achieved and to the quality standard required. All staff at AJM Healthcare would like to thank them for their efforts and continued support. Great Work Thanks.

Grant Kilbey - SHEQ & Mobilisation Manager

Intelligent Mobile Forms (IMFs) – For a service that is always on the go

Through intensive joint working with Dave Rolph and his team at Soft Options, the Warwickshire Wheelchair Service is able to offer a mobile working solution for clinicians out on community visits.

The use of assessment IMFs has enabled clinicians to capture their assessments in real time while out and about using tablets.

We now capture indoor and outdoor driving, environmental, baseline, handover and review assessments using simple-to-use IMFs. The clinicians also use these to capture these assessments in clinic, either via their computers or tablets.

What can be more simple than walking alongside a client, completing an indoor driving assessment as you go? These are innovative additions to BEST and well-worth spending the development time on for the service efficiencies achieved.

Bridgit Vorster-Gibbons
Occupational Therapy Principal

Bridgit Vorster-Gibbons - Occupational Therapy Principal
Warwick Wheelchair Service

Investing the time to train with Soft Options has allowed us to create a set of extremely powerful and dynamic reports..

Dave Rolph was kind, thorough, and very task orientated, giving us a strong overview of the major components we would use on a daily basis.

This course is highly recommended if you wish to become more data driven, are just starting your Power BI journey, and you want to use your available data to help you make better business decisions.

Janus Venter

have no reservations in recommending Soft Options as an effective and responsive provider of a wheelchair service database…

We have now being using BEST and working with Dave Rolph for over 10 years and have no reservations in recommending Soft Options as an effective and responsive provider of a wheelchair service database. Over these years we have worked in collaboration with Dave and Soft Options to develop and update BEST to meet our ever changing needs and demanding requirements.

Mark Homfray-Stephens

..response times to our requests and queries have been excellent.

We have been using BEST for many years and fully utilise the system to manage our workflow and stock control. The BEST system is user friendly and allows us to efficiently track our Patient’s journey from referral to treatment.

We have always found the staff at Soft Options to be professional, approachable, knowledgeable & friendly. The response times to our requests and queries have been excellent.

Janet Hulse - Administrative Team Co-Ordinator

They worked with us on what was important to us as a service.

When we decided to purchase the BEST system from Soft Options, they took the time to look at our existing systems and map these to BEST, so that it suited our needs. We were also transitioning from paper-based to electronic records at the time and Soft Options helped us with this, integrating BEST with our wider organisational systems. They worked with us on what was important to us as a service. We found them to be trustworthy, reliable partners during the implementation process.

Jane Bache - Clinical Lead (Assistive & Rehabilitation Technology

Soft Options have continued to provide excellent solutions…

SPS began their working relationship with Soft Options in 2004. Soft Options is a trustworthy,  professional and reliable company. We used them to upgrade from a DOS package nearly 15 years ago and the NetPlus system now in place continues to grow and evolve with their help. The NetPlus system is diverse and bespoke, but this only works well if there is continual research and development in emerging technology by Soft Options.


The environment in SPS is dynamic, fast moving and ever changing.  Soft Options have continued to provide excellent solutions and feel this will continue for many more years to come.

Shirley Duffus – Managing Director

..you cannot go wrong by Soft Options being your software provider!

We have been using BEST since 2008 and over the years we have developed an excellent working relationship with Soft Options.

We recently upgraded to V14 and in doing so we have been able to streamline our working practices, saving time and cutting out unnecessary processes, enabling both clinical and admin staff to use the system more effectively and also providing our patients with a more efficient service.

Throughout our journey with Soft Options the service we have received has been first class, they make the extra effort to ensure your needs are met and their knowledge and expertise is impressive.

Simply put you cannot go wrong by Soft Options being your software provider!

Janet Hickson - Service Support Manager

..transformed the way we manage our work flow.

Having used the BEST system for the past 2 years it has transformed the way we manage our work flow.

We are able to easily manage our stock and drivers runs. The detailed report system allows full visibility of outstanding work orders which aids with planning and scheduling. The integrated Task systems allows quick and easy communication with the wheelchair service and each activity is time stamped for auditing purposes. The system is easily configurable and the soft options support service is always happy to help when customisations need to be carried out.

I also cannot fault the customer service provided by Soft Options who always provide solutions to any issue raised.

Liam McNamara - Depot Manager

..support has been first class

We have been using BEST since 2004 and have always had an excellent service from Soft Options. In June 2018 we upgraded our previous version of BEST  to version 14. This was a complex change for the Service as we previously used paper notes. The task was initially daunting for all the staff but we need not have worried as Soft Options staff were very supportive throughout. The training was well delivered and the follow up support has been first class.

Yvonne Baron - Wheelchair Service Manager

BEST is a complex but intuitive software system..

Soft Options continually strive to balance the business demands of a competitive market with the changing requirements of both national and local drivers of wheelchair services. They are keen to keep ahead of the game and develop their product to meet key performance indicators or innovations to technology. Their support staff are always very responsive and knowledgeable.

BEST is a complex but intuitive software system and although early in our journey of implementing version 14 it offers clear benefits of a mobile clinical tool (Intelligent Mobile Forms).

Julie Burden - Manager for Adult Occupational Therapy and Wheelchair Service

The support systems from Soft Options are excellent..

BEST enables our service to keep an accurate electronic patient record and align our issued equipment to the patient enabling repairs and maintenance through electronic transfers between our service and our approved repairer.

The system allows us to track our stock efficiently and enhances the patient’s journey through the service with efficient processes within BEST.

The support systems from Soft Options are excellent, responsive and efficient.

George Bryson - Team Manager Wheelchair Service

..has enabled us to run a paperless service

We’ve been using the BEST Wheelchair system since 2006 and for the last few years it has enabled us to run a paperless service. We expect a lot from the system and try to fully utilise all functions from patient demographics to the clinical and asset management system.

We are always looking for new ways that the software can assist us to streamline practices and auto generate functions and procedures to reduce duplication and human input errors.

I’m pleased to say that the team at Soft Options have worked with us and the BEST system has adapted and developed alongside our new ways of working, providing us with the data and outputs that we expect and need to run an efficient Wheelchair Service.

Sam Sterling - Wheelchair Service Manager

..helped us to streamline all of our processes

BEST has helped us to run an integrated service across the clinical and technical aspects of the service. With everything on one place this has helped us to streamline all of our processes. Being able to tailor aspects of BEST to our service needs means we are able to deliver a more efficient service.

Over the years we have developed good working relationships with Soft Options so they really understand our service. The responsive service we get to support the ongoing running and maintenance of the system is invaluable.

Sarah Brown - Clinical Services Manager

..time savings via our sixty users, it is in the days not hours per week.

The time had come to upgrade our CRM/ERP software and after scouring the market we found that there wasn’t a standard programme that could be customised to suit our requirements. We discussed our issues with SoftOptions and they suggested and demonstrated 4P, a standard product that could be infinitely customised to meet our needs.

With this in mind we expanded the scope of our requirements to include an integrated CRM, manufacturing, logistic and site planning system, purchase order’s, integrated SAGE 200 invoicing and finally full project costings. All within one package with minimal data entry (only entered once at quotation or design stage all the way through to invoicing) and ‘most’ information viewable in two or three clicks of the mouse.

With the help of SoftOptions and 4P we have achieved this.

  • Human error due to multiple entry of the same data has been eliminated.
  • The time savings via our sixty users, it is in the days not hours per week.
  • Paper reports are a thing of the past, dynamic ‘live’ interlinked screens have removed the need for ‘out of date in 5 minutes’ paper reports.
David Costin - Commercial Director