04/02/19 – Mike has started a 2 week stint in Wales
“Two weeks spent on site at Rookwood ALAC developing Stock and Equipment Management for the Electronic Assistive Technology Service (combined Communication Aids and Environmental Controls). Really enjoyed working with the Service Team to produce a set of screens tailored to their specific needs. Managing Apple IDs was a real challenge!”
07/02/19 – Another successful meeting at ACE Centre North
Kelly & Ryan went back over to ACE to bash out the final processes for their upcoming V14 upgrade. Next time we are over there we will have the final system in place and be ready to start training end-users.
01/02/19 – Business Intelligence Workshop #1
Our first Business Intelligence Workshop went down a storm today! After a resounding response to the first set of invitations Dave showcased the power of our latest BI tool to 10 delegates who were suitably impressed. The new tool allows services to visualise their data in ways that haven’t previously […]
31/01/19 – Berkshire Healthcare order their upgrade to V14
Berkshire have ordered their upgrade to V14 along with IMF. They have also taken our fully managed Microsoft Azure hosting option to save the need for upgraded hardware on site. The kick-off days will soon be planned where we can discuss their new processes and arrange training days and go-live […]
31/01/19 – Day three of three at Bridgewater
After the last day of training with Bridgewater we are currently on our way back over the Pennines feeling satisfied with a good few sessions, and a great reception from the team. Looking forward to Go-live in March!
30/01/19 – Second day of training at Bridgewater
Day two of three! David and Ryan are currently delivering AM and PM sessions preparing the three services that make up Bridgewater for their upgrade to V14. Covering administrators, clinicians, stock teams – it’s a busy week!
15/01/19 – V14 Planning meeting at ACE Centre North
Kelly & Ryan headed over the Pennines for a planning day with ACE as part of their upgrade to a multi-centre V14 system with IMF. A charity specialising in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT), ACE Centre work out of Oldham and Oxfordshire, covering all corners of […]
02/01/2019 – Happy New Year!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year from the team here at Soft Options – 2019 is already shaping up to be a very busy year for us with so many of our customers upgrading to the latest version of BEST. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6486263708292124672
20/12/18 – New V14 Upgrade for Stockport Wheelchair Service
After using BEST for over 10 years Stockport having joined the 14 Club! Like most of our new sites they have opted to install IMF to help streamline their service. To find out more about IMF click here.